A rabid supporter of Democrat Congressman Tom Perriello launched into a profanity-laced tirade at this morning’s Americans for Prosperity (AFP) rally, held at the Albemarle County office building in Charlottesville, Virginia.
The as-of-yet unidentified, middle-aged female Caucasian entered the parking lot with her vehicle’s horn blaring in an apparent attempt to disrupt the event. She then approached the rally site and began to tear-up literature displayed on AFP’s information table.
As AFP Virginia State Director, Ben Marchi, began his closing remarks, the deranged Perriello supporter initiated a bizarre chant, loudly repeating the name “George Soros.” Rally attendee, Steven Latimer, turned and attempted to photograph the hysterical woman. Upon doing so, he first was verbally assaulted, and then the attacker attempted to “claw” the camera from Mr. Latimer’s hands.
The assailant fled the scene when several audience members moved to Mr. Latimer’s defense.
Can you identify this woman? Do you recognize this car? If so, please email The Schilling Show, as the victim may be interested in pressing charges in this widely witnessed incident.
How much do you know about this woman, Rob? Is it possible she has a history of mental illness? Is it possible she’s under great stress financially or in a personal relationship? Is it possible she regretted her actions a half an hour later?
One of the least appealing things about the Schilling Show is it’s vindicativeness, and it’s eagerness to make sport out of its political opponents, like the Perriello staffer or volunteer who thought she was speaking in private. Your post about her was downright cruel.
I urge you to delete this article and not make this woman’s name public. Have a little mercy.
Ken, to be fair, I do not feel the Schilling Show is being as vindictive as this woman was. I think Rob wanted to poiint out that someone on the liberal side was clearly behaving herself poorly.
To be fair, I am not interested in “pressing charges”. It would be a poor use of my time, and I think that public humiliation is punishment enough.
Interesting you would play the “mental illness” card for this woman unless you know it to be true.
If you don’t know it to be true – what would tip you off to that?
I guess personal responsiblity for actions goes out the window if you happen to be having a bad day or you are on some medication.
I emceed this event this morning, and was quite taken aback at this person’s behavior. I have worked many years in politics locally, and have seen her around town. She has always seemed pleasant though partisan. Even interrupting our event with cheers for George Soros is her right. What wasn’t right was that she willfully ripped up informational brochures that belonged to Americans for Prosperity and made threatening moves towards an attendee. Her cursing was unfortunate, but angry people often curse. I hope she is otherwise ok. I also hope she apologizes for the destruction of property not belonging to her. Steve Lattimer did not deserve to be cursed at. He is a very gentle and non-confrontational man, and her outburst at him seemed completely out of place. I know that Charlottesville is the kind of place where people can have civil disagreements without malice. And where forgiveness is easily given. As the local coordinator for the AFP, I would invite her, or Ken or anyone communicating as her representative, to email me through my personal facebook page.
As noted in the story, Ken, she has a Perriello sticker on her car.
Mama-Fluco, I don’t know her or anything about her, and I don’t excuse her actions. I think she ought to apologize. I just wonder whether if we knew her circumstances they might cast light on the actions. It’s mean to humiliate people. Why doesn’t the Christian Right love its enemies?
As noted in the story, Ken, she has a Perriello sticker on her car.
I don’t know if that’s a lame joke — she’s for Perriello so by definition she’s mentally ill — or if you presume her politics are what caused her to give vent to them so rudely.
Obviously, Ken set out to make Rob the villain. If this woman has problems, she should have stayed at home and tended to them. Instead, she gets into her car, drives downtown, and start cursing at people just because they weren’t doing what she wanted them to do. Everybody who feels she should control (rule)others should not feel bad about being exposed. Maybe she will identify herself; I’m sure she is proud of her actions and has told many of her like-thinking friends what she did.
Sorry, my first sentence should have read “Obviously, Ken, she set out to make Rob the villain.”
BTW, I think Randolph Byrd and I live in different places. For example, most people in business around here are afraid of letting their politics known because they are afraid of retribution by their potential or former customers.
f this woman has problems, she should have stayed at home and tended to them. Instead, she gets into her car, drives downtown,
Maybe she was driving to work.
@Cville Eye: I blog under my own name unafraid. People who know me and my business activities know that I am good-natured, unprejudiced, fair and honest, and offer good products and great customer service. Since I support and spend my money with lots of liberal/Democrat-owned businesses here in town, they do likewise with me. I have coffee at Mudhouse; My Chiropractor and friend is David Brown. David Toscano is my wife’s lawyer (when she needs one), my doctor is liberal and gay, and my dentist is ultra-liberal. I know for a fact that some of the fees I pay them certainly must go to support candidates and policies that I campaign against. So, when someone of a different political point of view gives me money, they know some of it will get circulated back to liberal-owned businesses and professionals. America – what a country!
The reprehensible actions of this woman are indicitive of and pretty much the operational norm of the “tolerant, liberal, left”. Their position cannot be supported much beyond a thirty second sound bite. Due to that, they can not engage in a thoughtful and logical discussion of the issues. Interestingly, they give the appearaance of some really unhappy folk. I know that when my son and I were attempting to enjoy the naturalization ceremony at Monticello, we were forced to watch individuals filled with evil, cussing, frothing at the mouth, disrupting a peaceful and sacred ceremony. As far as I can observe, when you cannot out think the other side, you simply act like a domestic terrorist, and do all you can to disrupt it.
It is ashame that Barry’s wife has come to Charlottesville twice now, in stealth mode. I would have liked to have been given the same opportunity to express my freedom of speech to her visits, as the liberal loonies did when President Bush was here. Funny, while first lady, Laura Bush found no reason to hide, and keep secret her visits.
It is just like the man, and I use that term quite loosely, who cussed Rob at the post office, in the presence of Gabriel. He possessed testicular fortitude in abundance, until he got stuck in traffic, and was confronted by Rob, to which he was seemingly transformed from big bad he man, to a teary eyed girly man. They are bullies. Possessing tremendous resolve in numbers or in the shadows, showing fear and timidity up close and in the light of day.
Get used to it liberal lefties. We’ve been too quiet for too long. You and yours have pulled this country down into the pit of judgement in which it now finds itself, so don’t be shocked at the blowback you’re going to be seeing these days. Rob is right to expose this woman, and she should be glad it wasn’t me. She would be in jail cooling her heels for assualt. Somebody has to teach the lesson that parents failed to do back in the day.
I can’t stop laughing! Mentally ill? Destruction of property and assault, simple as it may be, ought to be addressed or next time this nut job may actually hurt someone. If nothing else, she ought to go through some kind of socialist detoxification program and serve 30 days as Rob’s call screener, or would that be redundant?
@Randolph Byrd, I truly think that’s wonderful. I, however, remember several people saying that they were dropping The Spectacle Shop as a vendor when the owner ran for City Council a few years ago as a Republican. Actually, I prefer people not using their real names on blogs unless they are officials and their names add credence to their statements or are the blogmaster. I’d rather concentrate on the commenter’s words rather than td tpeson
A Patriot writes:
The reprehensible actions of this woman are indicitive of and pretty much the operational norm of the “tolerant, liberal, left”. Their position cannot be supported much beyond a thirty second sound bite. Due to that, they can not engage in a thoughtful and logical discussion of the issues. Interestingly, they give the appearaance of some really unhappy folk. I know that when my son and I were attempting to enjoy the naturalization ceremony at Monticello, we were forced to watch individuals filled with evil, cussing, frothing at the mouth, disrupting a peaceful and sacred ceremony. As far as I can observe, when you cannot out think the other side, you simply act like a domestic terrorist, and do all you can to disrupt it.
It is ashame that Barry’s wife has come to Charlottesville twice now, in stealth mode
I’m sincerely sorry you were disrupted at Monticello. Still, if you think Bush should have been shown respect as President, perhaps you could show just a little to Obama, and also try to understand why his wife might want some privacy for herself and her young girls. Her visits were not political events.
Liberals can’t defend their positions, really? Haven’t you and I exchanged views here before? My experience on this blog is that Rob and most of his fans shirk debate.
Ken, is it possible that this woman acted with premeditation and then destroyed property and disrupted the event? Is it possible that she wished she could have done more and thought better of it when photographs were taken of her?
Rob and his fans shirk debate? Rob seems to embrace debate at every chance.
After reading your blogs, I can see why he would avoid debate with a kook like you. There is nothing to debate with this story. It is very simple and factual. On second thought, it is probably a little over your head.
Not a Lib:
Yes, and yes. And why is my scenario not equally plausible? Do we really have the simple facts here?
And where is Rob’s answer, or any of his self-proclaimed followers of Christ’s answers, to why vindicativeness is preferable here to mercy? Judge not, lest you be judged, or humiliate when you can, because your opponent will humiliate you if he can? I’d like to see a few of you debate that. My prediction: you’ll shirk it.
Ken – Maybe Tom should assign someone else to monitor and comment on Rob’s blog. The more you type the more you reveal what a “compassionate liberal” is like. You’re the one who inferred a woman is mentally ill on a public blog with her picture above for all to see. If you really believed this you would have emailed Rob directly and contacted Region 10 to let her case worker know she’s off her meds. “Judge not lest you be Judged” Yo dude look in the mirror.
Rob could see Diana is simply a sane but rude individual.
1) I wish Tom would assign me to read this blog. Might as well get paid for what I do anyhow.
2) I didn’t infer anything — I raised a question, and in fact I also emailed Rob directly. He usually replies, but not this time. I appealed publicly and privately, hoping that if one didn’t work, the other would.
3) I never called myself a compassionate liberal. I don’t toot my own horn and I’m conservative on some issues.
4) The fact that we now know her name tells us nothing about her mental state.
5) As Shakespeare said, “use every man after his just desert, and who should ‘scape whipping?” You? Should we put your worst moments online? Didn’t Christ die for your sins too? Have mercy then.
@Ken, now that you know her name, have you reached out to her? And we judge people everyday, all day. How else can you raise a child? Her actions were judged, not her soul.
Cville, what do you think I could do for her? It would hardly be my place, even if I was a mental health pro, to contact her.
And no one is saying not to judge her actions. We can (and should) judge them without humiliating her.
@Rob, Cville Eye, Ken et al: I *have* received a very warm and sincere apology from her; she simply “lost it” as a very passionate partisan and sends her apologies through me to all who were offended. I have accepted this apology and have welcomed her at the polls to work “against” me anytime. She’s acknowledged that her behavior was wrong and she’s embarrassed, so let’s let it go now. I would ask that Rob would remove this string as an act of forgiveness.
What a fine ending to a sorry story, Randolph, and what an admirable example you’ve set. Thanks for letting us know, and I add my voice to your request.