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1000 words: Daily Progress misspells “Charlottesville” in front-page print headline
As if the community needed further confirmation that the Daily Progress is circling the drain…
From the Thursday, June 29 print edition of the “expanded”...
1000 words: Partisan political cram-down in Albemarle County middle school
Disturbing photos and compelled student discussion as presented online to Albemarle County middle school students post January 6, 2021, by largely left-biased “virtual” classroom...
Guest editorial: Inhumane treatment of employees by Albemarle County Schools
by Susan Carter
For the past twelve months I have debated whether or not to write this, obviously deciding to do so. Perhaps it’s cathartic...
VIDEO: Search engine bias test—does yours pass or fail?
Are search engines inherently biased? Are the reports of such true?
Draw your own conclusions. Watch our exclusive video test of eight popular search engines...
1000 words: The most ironic (and unintentionally truthful) headline of all time
As reported by CBS radio news and published by the Associated Press.
N.B.: the jab, itself, will probably do the job—no additional poison needed.
Democrat dilemma: Feed kids or kill them
This sign, spotted in a middle-class Charlottesville neighborhood presents a dilemma for Democrats.
While the feel-good messaging implies that voting for Democrats Harris and Walz...
VIDEO: CBS19 TV News propagandizes (lies) about Project 2025 to promote Kamala Harris
The days of unbiased “news” presentation have long passed when it comes to national media, but the pro-Democrat propagandizing has spread to and overwhelmed...
VIDEO: Multi-student fight at CHS
A series of fights, involving at least four Charlottesville High School (CHS) students, took place today at the school.
Caught on video and posted to...
Alarmed: Albemarle County Schools receive violent social media threat
Albemarle County Public Schools (ACPS)—along with several other school divisions—again was the target of a violent social media threat.
Although this specific incident was investigated...
Culture of fear: UVA administration angrily counters disaffected doctors
In a move that shook the foundations of authority at the University of Virginia Health System, 128 disaffected doctors and other medical professionals there...
Desecration: Israeli flag vandalized at UVA
The University of Virginia (UVA), sadly, has become a hotbed of antisemitic activism—a hostile space for Jewish students and their sympathizers.
As students return to...