Not long before returning to the air, we received the following email from listener, “Gary:”

On a more humorous note, I thought about some music/sound effects to re-launch The Schilling Show. The time approaches on Monday, January 26, 2009, for the show to begin. The listener hears a howling wind for a few moments, then a noise as if someone or some people are openinga box or coffin with a crowbar. The box is opened and suddenly female screams of horror are heard over the airwaves. Then one drumbeat is
heard, and you introduce yourself to the listening audience.

Rob Schilling has returned, as if he was a character in an Edgar Allan Poe short story, from radio purgatory or death.

Rob brought Gary’s suggestion to life (with an additional twist of his own) and it was featured as the pre-intro on The Schilling Show for the first week of Rob’s return.


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Rob Schilling is founder of the multi-award-winning Schilling Show Blog and News, proprietor of Schilling Show Media; host of both the Schilling Show Unleashed Podcast and WINA's The Schilling Show heard weekdays at noon; husband; father; worship leader, Christian recording artist and Community Watchdog.

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