Like the lawless Albemarle County Schools before them (and Mike Signer before them), Charlottesville City Schools (CCS) is mounting a resistance campaign to fight President Trump’s national security efforts.
A January 21 CCS newsletter brazenly proclaimed defiance of Homeland Security deportation plans via cooperation with “community partners” like Sin Barreras, a local immigrant “empowerment” group whose name translates to “no barriers.”
The missive falsely claims that “enforcement actions” are prohibited in schools; however, that policy has been rescinded by the Trump Administration.
Not surprisingly, no consideration is given to local citizens whose tax dollars are being spent for enforcement on the Federal side and evasion on the local side.
Discussions of funding cuts to institutions defying federal immigration law may get the attention of both Albemarle County and Charlottesville City schools, but until such implementation, lawlessness likely will prevail there.
Read the CCS proclamation of defiance:
We know many of you have concerns for your own families or for families you know and love. Department of Homeland Security guidance prohibits immigration enforcement actions in “protected areas,” including schools. We continue to follow this issue closely, and we have been checking in with area school divisions and community partners, including Sin Barreras. We are sharing information with potentially impacted families and communities as needed.
Socialist gonna socialize.
Where are the concerns in the Communist City of Charlottesville and Socialist County of Albemarle for tax payers, American Citizens and the rule of law. If you didn’t get permission, i.e. a visa of one kind or another to enter the US and are here illegally, you’re a criminal and subject to the rule of law. Awe, to heck with the laws they say! All laws, or just the ones the communists don’t like? Don’t worry, ICE will be here soon, they’re already in Richmond as evidenced by the 11 criminal illegals detained yesterday. Those that hire illegals in Cville are on a list, they’ll get a visit soon too. It’s about time.
If you’ve entered the country without authorization, you’ve broken the law. A person who breaks the law is a criminal, by definition. If you’re a criminal who has entered the country illegally, you need to return to the country of which you are a citizen, ie, deportation (if the word deportation bothers you, think of it as repatriation) needs to occur. If a person is a criminal, and you are harboring that criminal, you need to be arrested and charged accordingly. What is difficult to understand about this simple, straightforward chain of logic?