After a truly non-distinguished six-year term in the United States Senate, Jim Webb surprised no one by announcing today that he would not seek re-election to the seat he won in 2006.

Webb, whose Specter-esque party-hopping antics facilitated his election in typically “conservative” Virginia, never really seemed to enjoy the job, and he took few definitive positions during his lackluster tenure.

Looming large on the minds of Democrat strategists is: Who’s next? With an extremely weak “bench,” and a well-known likely Republican opponent (George Allen), Obama’s political progeny know this seat is fundamentally vulnerable.

While blowhard Brian Moran and neo-Federalist Creigh Deeds are conventional considerations for the seat, they have burned political capital on unimpressive previous campaigns and are not viable candidates.

The left’s opportunity to save the seat rests with former Virginia Governor and current Democratic National Committee Chair, Tim Kaine, if he wants it—but if he does not?

Unnamed sources deep in the bowels of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee say that former 5th District Congressman, Tom Perriello, is next in line.

Uncharacteristically cagey about his political future, Perriello—semi-affectionately know as the one-term blunder—is waiting in the wings for Kaine to abstain.

“Senator” Perriello would be an unmitigated disaster for Virginia given his support for abortion, Cap and Trade, Card Check, Obamacare and a host of other progressive (read: Socialist) agenda items. But his campaign would be well funded and he is considered a formidable challenger, should he be called to again serve his Party.

Read Jim Webb’s full retirement statement:

Statement of Senator Jim Webb

Washington, DC–Today Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) issued the following statement:

Five years ago this week, on February 8, 2006, I announced my intention to run for the United States Senate. We had neither campaign funds nor a staff. We were challenged in a primary, and trailed the incumbent in the general election by more than 30 points in the polls.

Over the next nine months we focused relentlessly on the need to reorient our national security policy, to restore economic fairness and social justice, and to bring greater accountability in our government. I will always be grateful for the spirit and energy that was brought into this campaign by thousands of loyal and committed volunteers. Their enthusiasm and sheer numbers were truly the difference in that election.

It has been a great and continuing privilege to serve in the United States Senate. I am very proud of my talented and dedicated staff, which has worked tirelessly to resolve the issues on which I based my candidacy, and to protect the interests of all Virginians in this national forum. Among other contributions we have given our Post- 9/11 veterans the best GI Bill since World War Two; we have taken the lead in reforming our criminal justice system; we have led the way toward stronger relations in East and Southeast Asia; and we have been a strong voice in calling on China to act more responsibly in the world community. We will continue to work on these and other issues throughout the rest of my term.

However, after much thought and consideration I have decided to return to the private sector, where I have spent most of my professional life, and will not seek re-election in 2012.

Notwithstanding this decision, I have every intention of remaining involved in the issues that affect the well-being and the future of our country.


  1. What a waste of six years in the senate. He likely new he was a lame-duck for a long time and could have taken a more assertive approach to doing the job. Not only sunk his political career, but won’t help his book sales either.

  2. Dear Rob, This is a Republican Senate seat in a Republican
    year. I guess the “Spare Tire Party” could attempt to
    entice former Rep. Rick Boucher into the race. The majority Republicans should look to a new face like
    radio host, Rob Schilling. I always find it interesting
    that no one from the Republican Congressional delegation
    seeks to run for Governor or U.S. Senator from Virginia.
    I guess they don’t wish to give up their safe seats.

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