As foretold on the May 4 edition of The Schilling Show, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Chair, Jane Dittmar, has announced her intent to seek Virginia’s 5th District Congressional seat, currently held by Robert Hurt.

Democrat Dittmar, who recently issued an official proclamation honoring the Obama-inspired Socialist syndicate, Virginia Organizing, emphasizes her re-distributionist political mindset in a linguistically jumbled campaign announcement:

Our campaign will champion all we can accomplish when we team federal resources with our state and local legislators and agencies, so that our communities can fully participate in and benefit from today’s economy. Together we will work to ensure Internet access, job expansion and an enhanced workforce training for ourselves and our children.

Predictable in nature, as it is lacking in clarity and substance, the Merry Marxist’s rhetoric exposes her political feel-good “Santa Claus” strategy—promising goodies, handouts, freebies, and leverage of “federal resources” (Medicaid expansion), while ignoring myriad societal, economic, and national security crises threatening the United States.

Dittmar’s essential lack of accomplishment on the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors and her impending intra-party battle with Ericke Cage (a black Democrat, closely aligned with former 5th District Representative, Tom Perriello), portend an uphill battle for the Merry Marxist, on the long and winding road to becoming the next Meredith Richards.


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