White hot Albemarle High School email The Schilling Show

A growing number of Albemarle High School (AHS) parents are demanding answers regarding a racially insensitive and borderline misogynistic email sent by an AHS teacher to his students.

The emotional message was dispatched on May 22 at approximately 2:18 AM and referenced a litany of the instructor’s personal and professional complaints and grievances—along with well-wishes for his students. Aside from the impropriety of the general subject matter and the time sent, parents have been particularly concerned over racial animosity expressed toward “White” women:

What has transpired at our school is what my mother did to me for 21 years. An authoritative figure and my mother shares similar things in many ways. In the public eye they are the most caring people you would ever want to know, but behind closed doors they are monsters. They know how to say all the right things in front of others, but in private they attempt to break your spirit by verbally beating you down. And here is the kicker, they are both White. Yes, the one person in my life who was supposed to protect me, guard my heart, and make sure that no harm would ever come to me was the one who caused the most harm was a White woman.

The incident has gone largely unacknowledged by AHS Principal Darah Bonham and Albemarle County Public Schools Superintendent Matt Haas, perhaps in hopes that it will simply “go away” without either having to officially address the created situation.

Parents have complained that the subject email may violate—among other things—the Division’s Anti-Racism policy, as follows:

​​Albemarle County Public Schools is committed to establishing and sustaining an equitable community that achieves the School Division’s ​equity mission to ​end the predictive value of race and ensure each individual student’s and staff’s success.  ​The Albemarle County S​chool Board and School Division reject all forms of racism as destructive to their mission, vision, values and goals.​​​

It remains to be seen if Haas, Bonham, or the Albemarle County School Board will formally address the issue.

Read the subject email in its entirety:

Good evening/morning to all of you,

This is now the sixth night in a row that I have been unable to sleep so I wanted to let you all know that the ordeal that has transpired at our school has taken a toll on me mentally, emotionally, and physically. I thought I was strong enough to not let this travesty affect me the way that it has.

This event has caused an enormous amount of stress which is causing me extremely high blood pressure, severe headaches, blurred vision, and anxiety. Things I have not experienced since my childhood.

This event has reopened wounds that I thought I healed from, but it is clearly obvious that they have resurfaced. And what’s worse is, no one responsible has accepted responsibility or accountability for what they have done to me by publicly humiliating others.

I am sharing this pain of mine with you, because I care about each and every one of you, and do not want any of you to think that I am not there because of any of you.

I can no longer be in the building at the moment that is toxic, emotionally and mentally unsafe, and untrustworthy. I refuse to go through this twice. I grew up in this type of environment my whole childhood, but now that I am 45 years old, I do not have to subject myself to that anymore.

What has transpired at our school is what my mother did to me for 21 years. An authoritative figure and my mother shares similar things in many ways. In the public eye they are the most caring people you would ever want to know, but behind closed doors they are monsters. They know how to say all the right things in front of others, but in private they attempt to break your spirit by verbally beating you down. And here is the kicker, they are both White. Yes, the one person in my life who was supposed to protect me, guard my heart, and make sure that no harm would ever come to me was the one who caused the most harm was a White woman.

I tell you all this to say, They have won. I am defeated, they too, like my mother has crushed my spirit and will to want to be a teacher. I just want to sit in the dark alone. I guess I am not as strong as I look. I am embarrassed and ashamed to be in my classroom with you all. Some of you have noticed in just two days the effect this has had on me. How can I be the best at helping you all if you all see me struggling to hold it together?

I want you all to be aware of evil and wicked people around, they are usually in disguise as a wolf in sheep’s clothing. They not only broke me, but they have pushed out other great educators out along the way.

My hope is that by next Tuesday I can be as close to normal as possible? Seniors, I am sorry that I did not get to see you off!! I wish all the best and success in your futures.

Please for me…. try to watch your language (some of you 😎 )and keep your noise level reasonable.

Also, try your best to get any work turned in. I will update as you submit.

I have so much genuine love and respect for each one of you. If I do not see you again before June 7, please have a relaxing and peaceful summer!!! You all deserve it. You all do great things for our students and each other.

You are welcome to share. Maybe this can help someone that you know who is going through a storm. But just know that I am done. I am tapping out. If not, I’m not sure that my health can endure. I will always be in support of what is right, but I can no longer be a major contributor, and I am deeply sorry if I let any you down.

With Love and Admiration for you all,


[name redacted]


  1. On the heels of discovering that the county has failed to follow state and federal drug testing procedures for their bus drivers the past few years, yet, once more unto the breach of propeiety, with another “incident”.

    As a former student forced to endure my twelve year sentence of “free education”, and then forced to endure it for another two decades with my progeny, and now, as a taxpayer forced to finance this circus, I’m less than satisfied.

    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!

    Just what kind of environment is being fostered within these “hallowed halls” of education?

    What is the mental state of those entrusted to educate our students?

    What kind of living hell is Superintendent Matt Hass orchestrating once students arrive at the madhouses delivered by drivers whose sobriety is unknown?

    And tobthink, they want more money to build more madhouses which they cannot control……

  2. No teacher should be emailing students on a personal level let alone at 2:00 am.

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