Guest Editorial: Our Republic’s prognosis Is dire

Our Republic’s Prognosis Is Dire by Bill Hay Transparent: open to public scrutiny. That is what we were promised by Obama, Reid and Pelosi. We didn’t...

Supervisor banned from local store

David Slutzky, Chairman of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, has reached a new low in his political career. Apparently, a store owner along...

Tom Perriello = “CHUMP” Change

In a recent press release, Tom Perriello nearly breaks his arm patting himself on the back for "saving" taxpayers "an estimated $2.5 million," by...

$93k/yr. City Employee “Blowing” Time on Blogs?

Now I've seen it all. As if he did not have a big enough forum at the "six million dollar site" (aka, city...

Guest Editorial: The Native Alien

Occasionally, we will publish "guest" editorials from members of The Schilling Show Blog community. Here is our first: The Native Alien by Hank Martin In the book...

The Schilling Show on TV

The Schilling Show continues to make news! Charlottesville CBS 19 reporter, Matt Holmes, talked with Rob Schilling and Joe Thomas about the conservative talk...

Is it David Toscano or David Taxcano?

So, what if someone submitted a bill (HB 1710) in the Virginia House of Delegates that simply required a sunset date of no more...

Upcoming on The Schilling Show

Monday, February 9th - Herb Lux: American Patriots Committee and Dr. Zudhi Jasser: Obama's Message to the Muslim World Tuesday, February 10th - Ben Sherwood:...

IMPACT: The Shakedown Begins

At the Monday, February 2 Charlottesville City Council meeting, the IMPACT "yellowshirts" were out in force in their annual attempt to shake-down local government...

Bumper Music Brought to Life

As referenced on yesterday's edition of The Schilling Show, here is your chance to catch a glimpse of Rob (and his band, The Johnsons)...