Prediction: Mayor Norris to head First Street Church project

Word has reached The Schilling Show that not only has Mayor David Norris resigned from his paid executive position at PACEM, but that in...

Guest Editorial: A new view on the abortion debate

A New View on the Abortion Debate by Ralph Tobias President Obama’s nomination of Kansas governor Kathleen Sebelius has reopened the ever-simmering abortion kettle. Catholic League...

Cville Dems dissing Taliaferro?

Now, maybe they're just being lazy, but I don't think so… In visiting the official web site for the Charlottesville Democrats, I note that as...

How Albemarle County supervisors can save $6M

Listener, "Gary," has researched the Albemarle County budget and in doing so, he's formulated some excellent questions for our Supervisors, along with specific suggestions...

David Slutzky: Ask a stupid question…

At a March 3, 2009 "town hall" meeting with fellow Albemarle County Supervisor, Ann Mallek, Board Chair David Slutzky boldly asked a rather stupid...

Charlottesville Elections: Exposing Central Party Democrat Fraud, Corruption, Racial Manipulation and Hypocrisy

On February 19, 2008, I conducted what was perhaps the most controversial program in the history of The Schilling Show. Controversial, not because of...

Why Webb supports the stimulus (besides the fact that he’s a Party hack)

Listener, "Susan," has provided us with an annotated (her observations are in red) copy of Senator Jim Webb's response to her inquiry regarding Webb's...

Guest Editorial: The destructive income tax code hurts almost everyone

The Destructive Income Tax Code Hurts Almost Everyone by Ken Hoagland Both the Chairman of the House Congressional Committee that writes federal tax laws and the...

Morally Challenged: Del. Toscano seeks your help

Del. David Toscano has a problem, and he's asking for your help. You see, the Delegate is morally challenged. Most recently, he was among a...

What the H#!! is coming out of my tap?

When we turned on the water this morning, there was FOAM coming out from the tap. A call to Charlottesville's Public Works department assured...