Albemarle County government is rife with hypocrisy.
A recent County “news” email teased racial controversy in its divisive headline, Preserving Harmful Histories: Exploring the 1909 Time Capsule
The subject implies that historical information gleaned from the recovered capsule is in some way “harmful”—although details have not been released.
In this communique, Albemarle’s woke government establishment conveys an air of self-congratulation for their reluctant “preservation” of “harmful histories.” While historical preservation may indeed be praiseworthy, the characterization of history as being “harmful” is not. Historic incidents, themselves, may have caused harm, but their preservation as “history” is only what people choose to make of it.
How quickly the two-faced Albemarle County Supervisors have forgotten about their reckless, virtue-signaling assault on the historic “At Ready” monument—dislocated and removed with great expense and derisive fanfare just months ago. Unfortunately, the County’s historic revisionists were not interested in preserving “At Ready,” whose very existence has nearly been eradicated by the esteemed and well-compensated Albemarle County government “preservationists.”